Welcome to MythvsScience – Where Mythology Meets Scientific Inquiry!

Have you ever wonder why we are following our traditional myths continuously without knowing there scientific explaination. On this website we are going to clear different myths with scientific proofs and try to provide you a knowledge which was extracted using scientific lens.

And we also provide articles and information related to ancient mythologies from different corners of the world and try to provide science behind those mythological characters, Weapons, creatures and so on.

We also had one more section named as “what happened if” in this category we are providing you a point of view regarding creatures and characters etc.

Like: What happened if Hitler was alive in today’s era. What changes we see in today’s world due to his personality and there thinking criteria. what world be look like due to his presence.

And clearing Myths like why lightning strikes aren’t fall twice on same place, and we also post our articles like top 5 and top 10 creatures and there existence.

In short our goal is to educate the people whose following culture and myths blindly but they didn’t know there science. we are trying to uncover scientific phenomena and comparing ancient myths & cultures with today’s modern Scientific knowledge.

If you have any question, suggestion or any type of enquiry. Please don’t feel shy reach us through our Contact form.

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