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Again Coca-Cola formula stolen, really?

Last week, Coca-Cola formula stolen and shared with a competitive company. The news has not been confirmed by the company’s authorities, but the fact matter is what will be the company’s step against the betrayer and whether it will be able to claim over the formula legally.

Coca-Cola Formula Stolen
Again Coca-Cola formula stolen, really? 5


From our grand parents childhood, Coca-Cola is in the list of top beverages and in terms of taste for our grand parents it is the only drink that still exist about which they says that this was the only drink which they had shared with their parents. We are also hoping we will also share the same drink with our grand children. Since the inception the formula of making coca cola has been hidden, even from the company members. Dur to several reasons company have not its patent rights

In this article, we will predict what would happen if Coca-Cola Formula stolen and shared with some extra people outside the company. Will the company be able to claim as they still don’t have the patent rights? According to the reports, only members of the company know the formula for the same brand. So, why do only members have this formula and so on?

What if Coca-Cola Formula Stolen?

This is a hypothetical condition in which we will predict what will happen if the Coca-Cola formula gets out of the hands of the company and gets shared with someone else.

Warning or Future of the Offense

Before delving into the hypothetical situation, it is important to know the reality first. It’s not easy to steal the treasure of the company as the formula has been kept in high security and several high-tech people have been hired to guard the company.

Even in 2006, one of the main employees tried to sell the formula of Coca-Cola to the Pepsi company, but she was betrayed, and in the end, she was sentenced to jail for 8 years. Since then, the security of the company’s treasure has been doubled, as it used to be. So the thought of Coca-Cola formula stolen is completely based on imagination.

Pending Patents
Again Coca-Cola formula stolen, really? 6

Why Company Still not Have patent rights?

Interestingly, the company still doesn’t hold any patent rights over the formula of Coca-Cola, due to which the company keeps the recipe under high security and keeps it secret from company members. Now the question is: why does a company not have patent rights? What would the company do if the real Coca-Cola formula stolen by someone?

There are several reasons why a company has not applied for patent rights. The first reason is the expiration date of patent rights. In the US, the protection limit is only for 20 years; after that, the company has to apply once again for the patent rights, and during the renewal period, they can be used by anyone. On the other hand, the secrecy of the formula attracts customers towards the beverage, and the company also takes this opportunity to keep it secret to maintain its mystique value.

Situation after the Offense of Theft

Now let’s see the situation after the Coca-Cola formula stolen: what will be the company’s next steps, what will be the situation in the market, and so on.

News of Formula Being Stolen

Cola-Cola is currently a star beverage and making a huge amount of profit for its company. If the news of a formula being stolen and shared with another person is a massive blast for the market, even for the company and its competitors, even the company may face several fluctuations. On the contrary, this can be an opportunity for the brand, as at first it was a mystery, but after it becomes a hot topic, it will create a massive market for the brand.

Company Before and After

Currently, the brand Coca-Cola is ruling in the market in around more than 200 countries and making a profit of around $8.000 billion a year. But if the Coca-Cola formula stolen and leaked, the company may face massive competition from rival companies, and demand may decrease.

Coca cola New Brand
Again Coca-Cola formula stolen, really? 7

This incident and news will be a kind of pressure or peek point where company employees have to work harder to gain the trust of customers. But also, Coca-Cola is a very popular brand, and customers believe in the brand name the most, so ultimately, after the controversy, the brand will come back with a huge following and fascinating tales of being stolen. Or it can also be possible that this scenario will give rise to a new recipe and a new brand for the company with a new or unique taste.

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Rivals Reaction

After the news of Coca-Cola formula being stolen, it can be a great opportunity for other beverage companies. Other beverage brands would take advantage of the opportunity and adopt news marketing tactics to make their brand more popular and demandable. But on the contrary, the news would be more like a lesson for others, as there should be more decisions about their recipe and brand royalty. They will take the news seriously and even demand that the lawmaker enhance and protect brand royalty laws.

Would Company be able to Claim Over the Formula?

Now the question is, if a real Coca-Cola formula stolen, will the company be able to claim the formula? Currently, the company shares the treasure of the brand with very few members of the company, the reason being the protection of the formula.

But on the contrary, not having patent rights is a point of vulnerability. As in the stolen situation, the company would have taken several steps for the future, like signing a non-disclosure agreement with employees and deeply monitoring the supply chain.

If the Coca-Cola formula stolen, the company can sue the thief or betrayer and take legal action against them. But they have to prove first that the formula has been stolen and copied. Even in such cases, the center of attraction, which is the mystery of the drink formula, will lose popularity.

The company has shared the recipe with very few employees; this tactic of secrecy may help them claim the incident of theft. May be this can also be the reason why only 2 or 3 employees have the right to know the formula.

So, the answer is still in a neutral state; it is challenging to predict what the company will do. But stewarding the company’s treasure is next to impossible.


What if the Coca-Cola formula stolen? is definitely a very fascinating situation that may provide new opportunities for other companies and also give rise to new or unique drinks. But the question of how the company will claim the formula in such a situation is still at a neutral level. If any of you have an answer to this question, please let us know your view.


Do Company Have patent rights of Coca Cola Formula?

No company don’t have patent rights, company do protect the formula and keep it secrets.

When was Coca-Cola Was stolen?

In 2006, one of companies employee tried to stole it but didn’t able to that properly and also sentenced to ajil for 8 years.

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