Top 10 Strangest UFO Encounters That Will Send Shivers Down Your Spine

Top 10 Strangest UFO Encounters That Will Send Shivers Down Your Spine

Strangest UFO Encounters, which were unexpected to the peoples who witnessed the event. Experts and science has nothing to say about, as their is no evidence is available other than witnesses claim and stories. Introduction When science cannot explain any incident, then topic comes under the list of fascination and mystery. The multiple events of…

Titanoboa VS Anaconda Size: No.1 Proved Evidences and Explanation

Titanoboa VS Anaconda Size: No.1 Proved Evidences and Explanation

Titanoboa vs Anaconda size: which one is larger in terms of length and weight? There are several theories and evidences according to which various perceptions can be formed; some of them are: Introduction Introduce Titanoboa and its significance as the largest snake ever known The Titanoboa cerrejonensis is said to be an extinct snake king…

Unraveling the Myth: Does Thunder Lightening Truly Strike Only Once in the Same Place?

Unraveling the Myth: Does Thunder Lightening Truly Strike Only Once in the Same Place?

Introduction The Fascination with Lightening: A Brief Overview Thunder lightening always comes with fascination and curiosity. Its terrifying beauty, the threatening sound waves and force of destruction, all collectively make the it a subject of magic and mystery, even in the ancient times also. Ancient myths and man made stories of thunder lightening continues to…

How Fire Dragons Produces Fire: Scientific explaination in Detail

How Fire Dragons Produces Fire: Scientific explaination in Detail

Fire dragons, according to ancient tales and books, could produce fire through their breath. There are several scientific views and theories that explain possible reasons or describe how they would have produced Fire or ice. Introduction Fire dragons always attract attention through their appearance and powers. Producing fire is not the only superpower they generally…

Was Kalpavriksha Tree Really Fulfill Wishes? Scientific Explanation 2023

Was Kalpavriksha Tree Really Fulfill Wishes? Scientific Explanation 2023

The Kalpavriksha tree is said to be a wish fulfilling tree according to Hindu mythology. There are so many speculations over the science behind Kalpavriksha and its story. Some people depict Kalpvriksha as example of hyperbola and for some people, Kalpavriksha is a real story. Introduction According to Hindu mythology, Kalpavriksha came out of ocean…

Perseus Sword: Scientific view of sword-Myth or Reality?

Perseus Sword: Scientific view of sword-Myth or Reality?

The Perseus sword from Greek mythology has a mysterious story and technical background to reveal. Material used in Sword of Perseus had the ability to cut through stone. There are several explanations and speculations on the reality and existence of the sword that Perseus used to kill Medusa. Introduction In Greek mythology, Perseus is considered…

Pushpak Vimana: The Ancient Flying Chariot That challenges Todays’s Modern Science

Pushpak Vimana: The Ancient Flying Chariot That challenges Todays’s Modern Science

The flying chariot mentioned in Ramayana, said to be crafted with highly developed science and decorated with precious stones or gold. Some of the text statements define the Pushpak Viman as an ancient aircraft with ability to be operated with imagination or by just specifying directions. Introduction The Pushpak Viman, an example of ancient science…

Goddess Sita’s Divine Cloths: Myth vs Science behind Divine Material 2023

Goddess Sita’s Divine Cloths: Myth vs Science behind Divine Material 2023

Goddess Sita in Hindu Mythology and her connection with her Divine cloths, is one of the most unbelievable and mysterious combination to understand. According to Ramayana, her cloths had some kind of Divine power which were gifted by a Sage as blessing, these clothes played vital role in the Ramayana. Introduction The Hindu mythology contains…

Top 10 Unique Hindu Mythology Creatures

Top 10 Unique Hindu Mythology Creatures

Hindu mythology creatures are one of the most questionable evolving creatures, who are attached with mysterious and unbelievable appearances. It is always been hard to understand the stories of their origin and aesthetic or sometime weird appearances. Hindu Mythology have thousands of stories, every story has its own moral and contain a different creature which…