Collage of ancient species, Ancient Animals list

First 10 Ancient animals list who come on Terrestorial earth from water to live

Take a look at this ancient animals list, which established the new lifestyle in the animal kingdom, proving that the evolutionary period of Mother Earth was incredible.


Nature has witnessed several ups and downs. Numerous creatures left their fossils to prove their existence, and several decided to adapt and change themselves for better survival. The same happened to aquatic animals who were born in water kingdoms, but over time, some of them decided to acquire evolution processes and shifted their kingdoms from water to land. Let’s see some of the animals that placed their names on the list of evolutionary giants.

Ancient Animals list



Tiktaalika used to be a kind of creature who was like a cross between a fish and a crocodile, with a scaly body, powerful fins, and rudimentary limbs from the sides of their body. Tiktaalika lived around 375 million years ago with highly adaptable and evolutionary features that unknowingly gave birth to the tetrapod, who is said to be the ancestor of all land vertebrates. Their fins had the ability to push them for a short time, help them breathe air with their primitive lungs, and pass through obstacles. Tiktaalika was not a fully land-based animal but can be considered a crucial evolutionary example.


The next follower of tiktalika was Panderichthys, who was basically from the amphibious community and lived around 380 million years ago. Panderichthys were a more developed version of their ancestors and used to have advanced limbs, complete with joints and even fingers. These features of Panderichthys prove that it was an evolutionary breakthrough for aquatic animals towards a terrestrial lifestyle. Along with walking, they were also very good swimmers. Experts even speculate that their ancestors used to spend more time on land than water.



Acanthostage, which means spinning shoulder, lived around 370 million years ago and was another example of an animal that adapted to land life. Acanthostage contained some fish-like features with robust and muscular limbs. Their 7 front limbs and 8 on their rear helped them to walk and even climb, and these features promoted them to the position of a tetrapod that explored the land area for the first time and extended its period.


Elpistostege, which means hopeful roof, lived with Acanthostage and were even more explorers than them. Elpistostege used to have functional lungs, joints, and digits, which helped him explore land to its full potential. Their bodies continued to flatten the skull and nostrils of their heads, which helped them breathe and were an example of evolution or adaptation.

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Tulerpeton, who ruled around 370 million years ago, was considered the first amphibian. Their limbs developed walking or running skills fully and contained primary respiratory organs. Tulerpetons used to live on land but on the contrary they used to venture to water breeding and laying eggs. They were changed their life style and placed themselves different form their ancestors.


Seymour said to be a reptile-like creature that lived around 300 million years ago. Who represented themselves as early creature of the amniote lineage, a group of animals including reptiles, birds, and mammals. These amniotes used give birth to hard-layered eggs on land, leaving the dependency on water. They used to contain limbs, strong claws, and powerful jaws, which helped them to prove themselves as the successful predators on land, establishing a new ecosystem. These creatures established a new way for their up coming generation of reptiles to dominate the animals regime.



Dimetrodon, the sail-backed and 3 to 4 meter-long predators that lived on earth 280 million years ago, They were not dinosaurs but acquired numerous features of them, for example, a powerful jaw, sharp teeth, and sprawling limbs. They used to had a sail-like structure on the back and elongated spines that connects to the membrane, this raises the question of its exact function, but some experts suggest that it was for attracting mates, and for others, it played an important role in dominating others. But leaving the powers domination behind, they continued to lay their eggs in water and played a crucial part in the early land animals ecosystem.

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Mesosaurs were early land vertebrates and carnivores in nature, whose meaning is middle lizard. These lizard-like creatures ruled nearly 300 million years ago among the first herbivores on land. Their skulls were developed with small, serrated teeth for chewing hard materials from plants and swimming. Mesosaurs used to live around water and provide herbivores with tetrapods.



Arthropleura means jointed ribs that lived 325 million years ago, with a length of 2 to 3 meters. Contained a tough, armored exoskeleton and numerous legs. On the other hand, its exact diet and lifestyle are still unknown, but according to some experts, they may have lived their lives based on dead animals or small creatures. Arthroplerua also symbolized themselves as the true example of an evolutionary giant.

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Ichthyostega means fish roof, while other animals moved to land, but these creatures chose to be on water and established themselves as the ancestors of whales and dolphins. They used to live 370 million years ago as lobe-finned fish with rudimentary limbs, the same as Tiktaalik and Panderichthys. These creatures proved that not all animals chose to explore land; some animals adapted to the environment and changed themselves accordingly.


Mother Nature gave birth to millions of animals in the ecosystem with the ability to adapt and evolve; some of them decided to survive the game of life, and others left their fossils for study. These above-mentioned creatures prove that they are all very good at adaptation, which helped them to explore land and even change themselves to survive on land. Some of these creatures also proved that not every animal liked the idea of moving to land; some developed themselves underwater and established their own kingdom of dominators.

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