Camel Asking question

How Camel Water Storage Bag works?

With the help of a water storage bag, camels survive for several days, and the question is: how does the camel water storage bag work? for how much time they can survive without water, and so on.

Camel water storage bag
How Camel Water Storage Bag works? 8


As nature consists of a diversified ecosystem, each and every organism has adapted their surroundings to enhance their survival chances. Most of the animals have unrealistic abilities and also weird habits, like seahorses being the only males that give birth to young ones and bats licking cows tears, etc. These evolutions have taken place over a long period of time and play an extremely crucial part in their lives.

How Camel Water Storage Bag works? 9

In the same way, the Camel and the desert king are two of the finest examples that prove animals possess very extreme abilities that helped them overcome life problems. There is a common saying that camels reserve water in their hump. Now the question is, can it be possible? Is their hump really a water storage bag? and several other questions. In this blog, we will explore how camels surpass the extreme temperatures of deserts and survive for numerous days without water.

Camel Water Storage Bag

Have you ever thought about how tiring it would be to carry such a huge amount of water on camels? On the contrary, there are fascinating stories of camel water storage bag and ability to survive by taking a few sips of water. The first question is: if a camel has two hump in their body, will they survive for more time or will they contain a double amount of water? Definitely, camels do store water in their bodies, but not in their hump. Let’s see what the truth is about the camel water storage bag.

Double hump camels

In the humid region, where water is said to be scarce, organisms have to survive without water for several days. And desert kings also need to survive in the same way, but the fact of the matter is that their hump is not made for water conservation; in reality, it contains fatty tissue that acts as a metabolic powerhouse. These fatty tissues help them survive without food by providing energy; even when camels utilize their conserved energy, they start to shrink. This source of energy plays a vital role in their lives, through which they explore the humid desert for numerous days.

So, from where did the concept of the hump as a camel water storage bag come from? It can be possible that Hump was predicted to be their water bag due to its softness, and we humans thought that they were carrying water on their backs for the future’s uncertain conditions.

After solving the mystery of the hump, the next question is: from where did the camel learn to overcome the problems and humidity of the desert? And the solution to the question is hidden in the past of a million years, during which ancestors of camels found out the way to live life in extreme nature.

Water Chugging technique

No one would ever expect that these slow creatures of deserts have the superpower that helps them intake water. Exactly. It seems unbelievable, but true. Camels are champions at sipping water fast. They basically contain specialized nasal passages that allow them to inhale even while drinking water and help them gulp more gallons in a few minutes. This fast-intaking technique prepares them and their internal reservoirs for further journeys.

Read Also: Know about the ancient animals that converted themselves from water animals to land animals.

Blood Preserves Water

In reality, a camel water storage bag is their blood cells. Unlike humans, camel blood cells are usually oval-shaped. This unique structure of cells helps them stay hydrated and release the minimum amount of water through urine. Also uncommonly, their blood plasma is rich in protein content, which reduces extreme water excretion.

Camels are talking
Camels are talking

Conserve Sweat Water

Camel water storage bag don’t let sweat out of their bodies, as it can be a waste of water for them. Generally, sweating is like a natural cooling mechanism, but for desert kings, sweat evaporation in dry air takes even more water away from their bodies, making them more thirsty. Usually, their bodies have a higher tolerance for inferior heating ups and downs that help them maintain a high body temperature without releasing sweat.

Power of detecting water

Not like others, camels have another magical power: detecting water from miles away. They do live in extreme critical conditions and have evolved the finest power of calculating water availability in their bodies. Even. their noses contain the power to detect moisture in the air from kilometers away. This ability helps them find hidden water treasures in deserts before they run dry, leaving no water around.

Camel Searching Water
Camel Searching Water

Kidney Act as Water Absorber

Kidney also works as a water absorber, extractor, or, we can say, a camel water storage bag. Their kidneys have the ability to extract around 90% of the water from urine and absorb it again, conserving it in the bloodstream. On the other hand, their intestines bring out moisture from digested food, which increases the availability of water from every meal.

Technique of slow motion

Another technique that helps the camel water storage bag conserve water effectively is walking slowly and steadily. Camels are not lazy; actually, they take steps very smartly and slowly, so that energy would not be wasted. This process of moving slowly and steadily helps conserve water and decrease water loss through respiration.

Would these abilities will be Good in future For Humans?

What if, in the future, humans would require this camel water storage bag? It can be possible in the near future, as there are several experts who do believe that in the future several places will face the problem of drought, and even several people say that it can be possible that water can be the reason for the 3rd world war.

Think of the future with a scarcity of water. People will face several problems as 85% of people live on agricultural products, and agriculture needs water for survival. Definitely, humans would require a nose through which they will be able to detect water from afar, a kidney, and an intestine that can absorb or extract water from every meal, etc. But how will humans blood cells change their shape? Is the combination of human life without water and a camel water storage bag fascinating?

Camel Group
How Camel Water Storage Bag works? 10


Camels are definitely incredible creatures and worth the title of desert king. From the above, it has been clear that camel humps are not for storing water; in reality, blood cells are said to be camel water storage bag, and their kidneys, intestines, and some habits help blood cells maintain water levels in the body. So from now on, whenever you witness camels, don’t think they carry 50 gallons of water in their hump.


Do camel stores water in their Hump?

No, they don’t save water in their hump. In reality they contain fatty tissues in their hump.

How many days can camel live without water?

The ability of surviving without water can be varies according to species, but according to experts camels can survive without water up to 7 to 10 days.

Where is camel water storage bag situated in their body?

In reality they do contain specialised blood cell that helps them in conserving water and also their kidney, intestines or habits help them for reducing water waste.

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