2 fire dragons

How Fire Dragons Produces Fire: Scientific explaination in Detail

Fire dragons, according to ancient tales and books, could produce fire through their breath. There are several scientific views and theories that explain possible reasons or describe how they would have produced Fire or ice.

Fire Dragon
How Fire Dragons Produces Fire: Scientific explaination in Detail 5


Fire dragons always attract attention through their appearance and powers. Producing fire is not the only superpower they generally had; according to ancient stories, dragons were also famous for various powers like flying and controlling their fire breaths. In our previous article, we tried to explain the science behind the Kalpavriksha: The wish fulfilling tree from Hindu mythology and Perseus’s sword from Greek mythology. In this article, we will try to define the science behind the fire and cool breeze that dragons produce.

Powers of Fire Dragons

Ancient tales depict dragons with large, reptilian bodies, wings, and the ability to breathe fire. There are several stories and cartoons based on dragons that define their powers and abilities. Now the thing is, these entertaining characters also raise numerous questions, like, how can a reptile have wings? Can reptiles fly? How can a creature in a reptile body produce fire or ice instead of gases? And several questions.

As we all know, generally, reptiles don’t have any kind of ability like flying, a winged body, or the ability to release fire or ice through their mouths. For some people, dragons are only imaginated creatures that were created for entertainment purposes only, but in some cultures and mythologies, dragons have claimed the existence, since ancient times. In ancient times, if dragons really existed, then let’s go and predict their abilities or existence from a scientific point of view.

Dragon Flying

Read Also: What was the technology and material used in sword of Perseus, from Greek mythology? Myth vs Science.

Science of Nature

Now the first question is: How can reptiles have wings like dragons do? If they really had wings, then how could they fly with a huge body? Or were dragons really present in ancient times? Let’s see what we have to understand:

May be Due to Evolution?

The Theory of Evolution states that living organisms change over time to adapt to their surroundings. If we explain the answer to questions like, stories of dragons are real, then it can be said that may be due to evolution, the family chart of dragons would have extended extremely, and the heredity of dragons has been lost, due to which now reptiles like dragons don’t exist.

If dragons were real, then why don’t reptiles have wings? This question also has the same explanation: may be due to evolution, currently reptiles don’t have wings. For example, humans and monkeys are from the same family chart; due to evolution, humans have developed and lost tails like monkeys do.

Don’t exist due to Extinction?

The Theory of Extinction states that when any species is unable to adapt to changes in their environment or reproduce successfully, they go extinct. It can be speculated that during this long time they have been extinct, as they were unsuccessful in adaptation and reproduction. For example, dinosaurs, dodo birds, etc. have been extinct. The reason for their extinction is still not clear, but there are so many scientific speculations.

Reason of Fire Breathing

Dragons fight

If dragons were real, then the next question is, how can dragons breathe fire or ice? There are several assumptions about how dragons used to produce. Some of them describe dragons as having some kind of gland that produces a highly flammable gas like methane or hydrogen. Whenever a dragon breathes, gas mixes with oxygen, and a reaction ignites fire.

On the other hand, other aspects can be added, like the ability to breathe fire through and made a spark for fire. Or May be dragon has a special organ that creates electric current or a spark for fire.

Some people believes that they may have some kind of supernatural powers, but there is no accurate or scientific answer related to this topic.

Body Structure and Wings

Now the next question, that attracts people’s attention is, how could dragons fly with that bulky and large body? How their wings used to work so they could fly? and so many other questions related to their physical appearances. There are several assumptions over these questions, let’s take a look on some scientific explanation, that how dragons push there body up in the sky and how they make there body supported to aerodynamics.

  • Strong and well-developed muscles: It can be assumed that dragons would have well developed muscles that helped them flapping their wings in such a way that they could create enough force or thrust to fly. In other words, their muscles would have been powered by a high-energy metabolism, which helped them create high power for some period then they used to create same power by flapping again and again.
  • Light-weighted body: Along with large wings and powerful muscles, dragons would have a light-weighted body that helped them to lift their bodies. In simple words, they could have hollow bones and scale that would made up of lightweight materials like carbon or titanium, that made it easier for them to fly.
  • Special structure or aerodynamics: It is possible that their wings and body structure were made or designed in such a way that helped them generate huge thrust to lift their body.

Real Time Evidences of Dragons

In 2014, a man from China asserted that he found a fossil of a dragon, but after research, it was found to be a fossil of a whale flipper. Also, some people claimed that they have witnessed living dragons, but these claims have never been proven; even experts explained these assertions of living dragons as illusions or may be large birds.
There is no fossil or evidence found that can prove or verify the existence of dragons. We do not have any evidence, so ultimately, it can be said that dragons are only imaginary creatures with superpowers.

Credit: TheSigmaLife from Youtube


Dragons that produce fire through their mouths, one of attractive imagination or may reality. They used to have superpowers like flying, could control their breath, and could produce fire. There are several stories based on dragons that define their abilities. But there is no evidence found that can say accurately that dragons were real and they really had super powers; on the contrary, we also can’t ignore their references in mythological books. So, as a final result, we can only say that their existence is a mystery, and it is hard to predict whether they were real or not.

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