Is The Midas Touch Real

Is The Midas Touch Real? Is Midas Touch Possible in Future?

Regarding Midas myth, their are several fascinating questions like, is the Midas Touch real? Or is Midas Touch possible in future? The Midas myth, a jaw-dropping tale which finds its origin in Greek mythology, has enchanted audiences from the silver ages. It introduces the readers to the story of King Midas, whose unquenchable greed leads him to a distorted wish: the ability to turn anything he touches into gold. While ecstatic, Midas soon discovers the horrifying consequences of his wish, as everything he loves, from food to his daughter, turns into cold, lifeless gold.

But who was this king who had such a strange thought in his mind? Let’s find out.

Introduction to King Midas and His Golden Touch

The infamously famous King Midas is a popular member of Greek mythology. Midas is the biological son of Zeus (God, Ruler, Protector and Father of all Gods and humans). King Midas makes an appearance in the works of different Greek writers, including Herodotus, Ovid, and even Plato. But out of all the works, the most-read version of the Midas touch myth occurs in the Roman poet Ovid’s Metamorphoses”.

King Midas turned his own daughter in gold statue

In Ovid’s work, Midas golden touch originates from his generosity towards Silenus, a companion of Dionysus (Greek God of Wine). Impressed with Midas, Dionysus offers Midas the opportunity to ask for any wish he desires. Blinded by greed at that moment, Midas wishes for enticing power to turn everything into gold.

At first, Midas was enjoying his newly fulfilled wish, gleefully transforming objects into that shimmering metal. Nonetheless, his newfound happiness soon turns into horror as he slowly comes to the devastating consequences that his strange wish is producing. The food he tried to eat became inedible gold due to his power, and when he attempted to embrace his daughter, she, too, metamorphosed into a gold statue.

Grief-stricken and devastated, Midas prays and begs Dionysus to undo his curse. Dionysus, being a merciful god, instructs the King to bathe in the River Pactolus, which then gets filled with gold flakes.

Although Midas escapes his golden touch, he will be remembered forever for his greed.

Interpreting the Midas Touch Myth

The Midas’ Touch myth offers an ocean full of symbolic interpretations that transcend its unreal elements. Here are some key themes to explore through the story:

Is The Midas Touch Real
Is The Midas Touch Real
  • The Perils of Greed: The Midas Touch Myth warns the readers against the insatiable desire for material wealth. Midas early joy in his golden touch soon transforms into despair as he realizes he can no longer fulfil his basic needs like eating food, human connection, and love because whatever and whomever he touches is getting turned into gold.
  • The Curse of Materialism: The story can also be read as a commentary on the dangers of humans prioritizing material possessions over human relationships and experiences. Midas’ obsession with the gold prevents him from seeing the true value of his near and dear ones.
  • The Loss of Family and Relationships: Midas’ daughter’s transformation into a gold statue shows us that a human often loses its most valued relationship with its family members or loved ones while chasing wealth. Midas’ perverted greed compels him to isolate himself and contributes to his incapability of experiencing the genuine and true love of his family members.
  • The Importance of Self-Control: The Midas’ Touch encourages the readers to find contentment in their current possession. Every wish needs to be operated in moderation. If it goes beyond moderate levels, it might be dangerous for humanity. Midas’ desire for wealth is not entirely wrong, but his ‘desire for more’ becomes the ultimate reason for his destruction.

Varieties of Midas Touch In Different Mythologies

The story of King Midas Golden Touch is not just restricted to Greek mythology but goes beyond that. Similar stories appear in various other cultures around the world, putting forward the universal truth of human fascination with the temptations and menace related to gold:

  • Norse Mythology: King Hreidmar’s story in Norse Myth shares some similarities with King Midas. Hreidmar acquires a cursed treasure chest, Andvari’s hoard, but it brings him only misfortune and nothing else.
  • Irish Mythology: King Midasch in Irish mythology becomes obsessed with gold after discovering a magical cauldron, but unlike King Midas, the Irish King dies.
  • Native American Mythology: Various Native American tribes have myths about people who had the skill of turning things into gold, but in the end, they met their unfortunate end.
  • Indian Mythology: Even according to Indian Mythology, a Jyotirlinga of Lord Shiva in the Deogarh district of Jharkhand is said to possess powers to convert any ordinary thing into gold when touched by the body of the Shiva linga. A very famous story associated with this myth is of an ordinary person who was a Shiva bhakt. So, one day, Lord Shiva, after being impressed by his devotee’s rendering, gave him the blessing that whatever object he will bring towards the Shiv linga and make it touch the Shivlinga, it will turn into gold.

These variations of the Midas’ Touch story present in different cultures with slight differences in the plot tell us that every culture wants its people to stay away from greed and the temptations of materialism. Also, none of the stories has a happy ending, which signifies that human beings should prioritise human relations over materialistic and capitalistic thinking. Human beings should not run after material possessions.

Scientific Explanation: Is The Midas Touch Real?

Now the question is, is that possible to turn things into gold by a mere touch, does approve such kind myths? Science tells us that the Midas myth is an allegorical story created to save humanity from its ruination and the dangers of greed and material excess. Gold or Aurum is an unreactive metal found in nature and, hence, cannot turn objects into gold by touch.

However, some minerals like Pyrite, also known as fool’s gold simply because of its gold-like appearance, can fool the eyes of any human being, and they can believe the pyrite stone to be gold.

Economic condition of Ruhna's country will be higher than other nations
Economic condition of Ruhna’s country will be higher than other nations

Is Midas Touch Possible in Future? What If Yes?

Now the fascinating situation is: what if someday a person would get the ability to turn things into gold? Have you ever thought about how this kind of condition would affect the world? 

For example, imagine a boy named Ruhan who has abilities like King Midas. In such a case, Ruhan will become an asset for his motherland. The economic condition of that country will be much higher than others. A nation would be able to export gold to others at a higher cost. Even a country’s employment rate, GDP, tourism, currency rate, etc. will increase more than in other nations.

In such a case, the next question will be: is this situation suitable for Ruhan personally? No, exactly not; in reality, a good and successful life does not mean a wealthy life. A successful life is when we are happy with our situation, we are surrounded by real people, and they are with us because they care for us, not for greed. But with Midas ability, Ruhan will no longer be happy, and the result will be the same as that of King Midas.

Ruhan as country wealthiest man
Ruhan as country wealthiest man and on other side government planting Ruhan as golden tree, to take country’s economy on higher place

Midas’ Touch: A Timeless Tale for Humanity

The Midas Touch Myth, even today, resonated with the audience with their simple yet profound message. It works as a moral tale, reminding us to be mindful of our desires and prioritize human relations over material wealth. The themes iterated in the story remain highly relevant in our contemporary world. Our capitalist society and consumerist culture often rely on continuous buying or mindless buying of products that we don’t even have the need for. It coerces human beings to prioritize wealth over well-being. The story presents powerful imagery that happiness cannot be found through the accumulation of gold or silver or precious metals but rather through relationships, experiences, and a sense of purpose.

Read Also: Know the reality of Phoenix Bird: the mythical creature who rises from the ashes.

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