List of Korean Myths That Attracts People Towards Culture

List of Korean Myths That Attracts People Towards Culture

Along with Korean culture and the pop industry, there are several Korean myths that keep attracting people towards the country and its culture. Introduction Culture consists of several traditions and rituals that frame the structure of society and play an important part in an individual’s life. It also has a psychological and behavioral impact on…

What is importance of science and technology in our life? What if it disappear (Part-1)

What is importance of science and technology in our life? What if it disappear (Part-1)

We all know, what is importance of science and technology in our life, but think for once: what if, over a night, all the theories and technology are erased when we wake up tomorrow? Introduction What is importance of science and technology in our life? We are all very much aware of the power of…

What If Hydra Greek Mythology Powers Appeared Again in 2023-24 era?

What If Hydra Greek Mythology Powers Appeared Again in 2023-24 era?

Do you have any idea what will happen if any animal with Hydra Greek mythology powers or Hydra itself appears in the future? Let us wait and see what the future holds for Hydra. Introduction Hydra Greek Mythology Powers According to Greek mythology, the Hydra used to be a serpent-like monster with several heads. In…

What is the oldest joke in the world? Mysterious Monuments!

What is the oldest joke in the world? Mysterious Monuments!

Do you know, what is the oldest joke in the world? Suppose for once that future generations would get to know that the unknown and mysterious monuments of the world are the oldest and most ancient jokes. Introduction Mysterious Monuments without History Since humans have senses, they try to unravel the mysteries. But there are…

What happened if Hitler come back in today’s era? Adolf Hitler Impact on society in 2023-24

What happened if Hitler come back in today’s era? Adolf Hitler Impact on society in 2023-24

What happened if Hitler come back? What would Adolf Hitler impact on the current world if he had not died? The question is hypothetical but noteworthy: how would his existence in the current world impact Germany’s position? Introduction Brief Background on Adolf Hitler Adolf Hitler, the Austrian-born authoritarian of Nazi Germany in 1933, He was…

Evolution of Humanity: Homo Sapiens to Modern Peoples (PART-2)

Evolution of Humanity: Homo Sapiens to Modern Peoples (PART-2)

Introduction Early stages The evolution of humanity was a really huge process that occurred in the past. In our previous part, we discussed the early stages of evolution before Homo sapiens. Homo Habilis, Homo Erectus, and Neanderthals laid the foundation of humans; they started to grow anatomically, used tools, and transferred the ability to learn to…

Shocking Discoveries: Unveiling the Secrets behind Epic Humanity Evolution

Shocking Discoveries: Unveiling the Secrets behind Epic Humanity Evolution

The process of humanity evolution is one of the most captivating and mysterious topics that everyone is curious about. How and when has humanity evolved? is a kind of question that continues to curious people for an answer. Introduction to Humanity Evolution To understand the evolution process of humanity, it is necessary to go through…

Modern People with Telepathy Superpower: Future Of Telepathy

Modern People with Telepathy Superpower: Future Of Telepathy

What if people in the current era were able to use the telepathy superpower? The question gives rise to many other fascinating questions and also forces us to think about what the future holds if it really happens. Introduction Concept of Telepathy Superpower The concept of Telepathy is something that really attracts and criticizes people….

Werewolf wonder Facts: Can werewolves turn into Humans?

Werewolf wonder Facts: Can werewolves turn into Humans?

Can werewolves turn into Humans? Werewolf facts and myths always light up from time to time. Not only tales but also several people claim the existence of werewolves. Let’s see what science says about these claims and myths. Introduction Werewolf Realm of Fascination and Myth Werewolf Facts and Reality Myth and Science Behind Werewolf Myth:…