Perseus Holding Sword, Perseus sword

Perseus Sword: Scientific view of sword-Myth or Reality?

The Perseus sword from Greek mythology has a mysterious story and technical background to reveal. Material used in Sword of Perseus had the ability to cut through stone. There are several explanations and speculations on the reality and existence of the sword that Perseus used to kill Medusa.


In Greek mythology, Perseus is considered to have a courageous, determined and strong personality. Perseus was famous for his victory over Medusa (a monster), one of the gorgon sisters who had ability to turn a human into stone by looking at them, and also for rescuing Andromeda. 

Perseus with medusa head
Perseus Holding Medusa Head

Along with the blessings and several other weapons from many gods, Hermes was the one who gave Perseus a divine sword to slay the monster Medusa. There are different stories about the divine sword of Perseus. According to some stories, Hermes gave this sword to Perseus, and for some other stories, Zeus sent his sword through Hermes to present Perseus. In our previous article, we explained the science behind the Pushpak Viman and Anklets. In this article also, we will try to unfold the material, technology and science that were used to prepare the Perseus’s divine sword.

Characteristics and Material used in Perseus Sword

The Perseus sword was divine for many reasons, as it was blessed with many unbelievable characteristics. The sword of Perseus had ability to cut through stone, was sharp and durable, was light in weight. So that it could move fast, and sword was blessed by numerous gods. Some mythical tales describe the sword as being enchanted with ability to avoid and divert Medusa’s cursed gaze. According to Greek mythology, the Perseus’s sword was created by using adamant, which was one of most finest and hard material that can’t be melted, cut or destroyed.

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Technology and Science Behind Sword

While studying about the Perseus’s divine sword, there are several questions that arises, like, can a sword cut stone? What kind material or metal sword has that can’t even melt and destroy?, and many more. If we speculate existence of some scientific techniques, let’s see which one can fits to the myth of reality.

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Metal without Melting point

Iron Melting

According to mythology, sword of the Perseus was made of the hardest metal that could not be destroyed and melted. How can it be possible? But if we look at other metals like gold, iron, silver etc., one thing is common in each of them, that is the melting point. Every metal has its own melting point, for example, gold’s melting point is 1064 degrees Celsius, on which gold can be converted into liquid form and in same way, every metal has its own melting point.

“The sword of Perseus can’t melt.” This can be possible when the sword has metal without a melting point. So, that metal could not be melt and was not destructible. But this is next to impossible, making a metal without a melting point.

Light Weight to Enhance Speed

Another characteristic of the sword is its weight. Mythology states that the sword was very light and easy to wield. Now the next question is, how can a light weighted metallic sword cut stone? This can only be done if Perseus would have moved the sword with a higher speed than light. For Example, theory of tachyon, according to which particle with velocity more than light can make destroy anything. So it can be speculated that the sword was made of tachyon particles. But theory also suggests that there is no evidence that proves tachyon particles exist.

Existence of Carbon Nanotubes

Now, once again, we are stuck with the question that, how can a sword cut through the stone? But if we explain the phenomenon from a modern scientific point of view, then we can say this is possible. According to modern scientific research, Carbon Nanotubes are one of the most stiff and hard materials that can have ability to cut stone. 

Carbon Nanotubes
Carbon Nanotubes

So, it can be assumed that the sword of Perseus was made of carbon nanotubes, but the nanotubes are still in their early stages of development. Also, producing swords with carbon nanotubes in large amount is next to impossible because of the high cost of production, and the durability of carbon nanotubes is still unknown, meaning it cannot be answered how long carbon nanotube sword can work.

But there is no text available in Greek mythology that can specify what kind of material was adamant. And also, there is no evidence of technology or science found that can specify the possibility of the existence of such a divine sword.

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Challenges in creating Perseus Sword

It is fascinating to witness such a unique example, that raises questions on modern science. If we imagine recreating sword or weapon with the ability that Perseus’s sword has, then would it be possible?

Yes, it can be possible to recreate sword that can cut through stones by using carbon nanotube. But it will be challenging to produce it with in affordable cost and time of production will also be high. And also durability of carbon nanotubes have question mark, means durability of it is still unknown. So, ultimately sword can be recreate, but it will be hard and challenging create in bulk amount.

Making a sword with light weight with durability is still hard processes. So this is really unanswerable question can modern science recreate the Perseus’s sword. Because producing a weapon of light weight, high speed and durable, is unbelievable and mind bellowing to expect in future.


Perseus sword was given to him for killing Medusa by Hermes. There are several mythical tales that defines Perseus sword with different abilities. It is really hard to explain the story of the Perseus sword in scientific views. Because there is no scientific evidence available that conveys the reality which ancient people used. So, we can only say this time that may be the characteristics of the sword of Perseus is an example of metaphor that was created to make the story entertaining and magical. It can also be assumed that ancient people was much higher than modern people in terms of technology and science.


Was Perseus a Demigod?

Greek mythology defines that, Perseus was half blood of god and half blood of human. Actually, Perseus was son the God Zeus and the Danae, who was mortal princess of Agros and daughter of Acricius. Later, Perseus became the King of Agros.

What is the name of Perseus father?

Zeus, was the real father of Perseus. Zeus gave birth to Perseus with Danae the beautiful princess of Agros.

What was the name of Perseus Sword?

Name of sword is Harpe.

Who Gave sword to Perseus?

Sword is provided by Hermes to kill Medusa.

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