Pushpak Vimana

Pushpak Vimana: The Ancient Flying Chariot That challenges Todays’s Modern Science

The flying chariot mentioned in Ramayana, said to be crafted with highly developed science and decorated with precious stones or gold. Some of the text statements define the Pushpak Viman as an ancient aircraft with ability to be operated with imagination or by just specifying directions.


The Pushpak Viman, an example of ancient science and aircraft of the Ramayana, is one of the most attractive topics that makes people think a lot. Yous all have heard about the Hindu holy book Ramayana and its famous character, Ravana, the demon king of Sri-Lanka. Some of the Hindu mythology books and also Sri-lankan people consider Ravan to be the most intelligent and genius scholar. People speculate that, he was very capable of creating such a great and auspicious technology in his time.

In our previous article, we have discussed about the material used in Devi Sita’s divine clothes and in this article we, will discuss the possible technology that would have used while creating aircraft.

Vaimanika Shashtra, a Sanskrit text from 5000 years ago that describes around 70 different flying objects
Vaimanika Shashtra, a Sanskrit text from 5000 years ago that describes around 70 different flying objects

Reference of Flying Chariot

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Reference: Ramayana, Sundara Kanada, Sarga 55, Shloka 1

Both Shloka are from Ramayana, which defines Pushpak Viman with divine and celestial appearance made to serve God, which was acquired by Ravana. Valmiki Ramayana, Sundara Kanda, Sarga 62 and Sloka 29 define the beauty of Pushpak viman and the situation when Lord Rama saw aircraft for the very first time, he was astonished by aircraft beauty and technology, which were symbols of prosperity, power and prestige.

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Reference: Valmiki Ramayana, Sundara Kanada, Sarga 62, Shloka 29

Both the Shloka, are not only the evidence but also define the appearance and symbol of advance technology used in ancient times.

Credit goes to original owner from youtube

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Creator Of Pushpak Viman

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Reference: Valmiki Ramayana, Uttara Kanada, Sarga 117, Shloka 15

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According to this shloka of Valmiki Ramayana, Pushpak Viman was created by God’s special architect, the Vishwakarama, with divine powers and decorated with gold or precious stones. Some of the mythological books defines that, the Pushpak Vimana was made by Vishwakarma, who was deity with great skills of architecture and engineering and famous for his known developments he created for gods and deities.

Pushpak Viman was one of his prominent creations, mainly to serve gods, It was large in size, had extreme speed and maneuverable in nature, means it was easily used in every direction and even had the power to hover in air. Some of the stories from Hindu mythology mention that Pushpak viman could be operate with telepathy, or mind or, as we can say, through brain waves. Vishwakarma created the aircraft for Lord Kuber (God of Wealth), but Ravana, in a battle defeated Lord Kuber and acquired Pushpak Viman along with Lanka.

Possible Technology Used

There is no textual evidence in any holy book or ancient books about technology and science used in Pushpak Viman. Many experts and researchers tried to unfold the mystery of technology and science used in Pushpak Viman, and there are even several speculations over the existence of such technology like Pushpak Viman in ancient times. Let’s make some assumptions about what kind of technology it would be:

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Vimana Shakti, a similar object like Pushpak Viman from Sri Lankan Mythology; Flying Chariot
Pushpak Vimana: The Ancient Flying Chariot That challenges Todays's Modern Science 9

Progressive Propulsion System

It may be assumed that, Viman was created with some kind of technology using highly developed propulsion system. Means technology that can be operated using solar energy or nuclear energy. For example, aircraft was able to use sunlight and convert it into electricity, which used to propel in aircraft into the air and nuclear energy, which may be used to create heat that helps in uplifting the aircraft into air. Or the combination of both solar and nuclear energy.

Existence of Mercury Vortex Engine

What if Vishwakarma used Mercury Vortex Engine in Pushpak Viman? There are many experts who believe that it is possible to create Mercury Vortex Engine, but modern science has not reached this far. We can speculate that Mercury Vortex Engine would have used in flying chariot for direction and hovering in air.

For example, aircraft would have some space filled with mercury, by rotating mercury at high speed to create vortex whose centrifugal force pushes Mercury, which would have helped to create thrust to provide direction. Also, this technique would have helped with speed and altitude.

Ancient Temple as a Vimaan

Possibility of Anti gravity Technology

Was Pushpak Viman developed with an anti gravity object? Let’s see. Anti gravity theory and objects are only imaginary things in modern science, but on the contrary, some people think that anti gravity can be possible. We can also assume that anti gravity devices would have been used for navigation, for example, objects on which gravity doesn’t work for some time or in other words, any device that can control force of gravity, which would have helped aircraft to lift itself without any propulsion system, wings and engine.

Credit goes to original owner from youtube

High tech Material Science

As Hindu mythology describes Pushpak Viman as decorated with gold, silver and diamonds, by these descriptions, question arises, were these metals used because they were necessary for aircraft? Means, ancient people would have created some kind of advanced technology according to which using these metals was necessary to operate these kinds of vehicles. For example, ancient people would have technology through which they used these metals in refining and processes for navigation.

Evidence of Pushpak Viman

Several experts and specialists have worked over the topic of the ancient flying object, they even have tried to unfold the science used in them. Let’s see some of prominent researches or evidences.

In 1991, archeologist team found a 5000 years old text in Sanskrit known as Vaimanika Shashtra, which has specifications of around 70 different Flying objects and detailed descriptions of them, and one of them is Puspak Viman.

In 2003, a group of scientists from IIT Kanpur, conducted a detailed study of Vaimanika Shastra and found theories based on aerodynamics and propulsion systems. in 2014, Researchers from University of California, worked over ancient Indian texts and found texts with specification of advanced technologies which are still unknown to modern people.

Indian Institutes of Science Bangalore, experts published a paper in the journal "Current Science" describing new propulsion system which possibly used in Pushpak viman
Indian Institutes of Science Bangalore, experts published a paper in the journal “Current Science” describing new propulsion system which possibly used in Pushpak viman

In 2021, Indian Institutes of Science Bangalore, experts published a paper in the journal “Current Science” describing new propulsion system which possibly used in Pushpak viman. In 2022, experts team in Sri Lanka discovered a 2000 years old text that describes the Vimana Shakti, a similar object like Pushpak Viman. This object is said to be used by ancient Sri Lankan kings.

Other than Pushpak Viman, there are some more examples from ancient texts that specify the existence of flying objects. For Example, Vimana Shakti from Sri Lankan Mythology, Merkabha from Judasim, Flying Carpet of King Solomon from Islamic Mythology, Chariot of Greek Sun God etc.

Can we make Pushpak Viman?

Now the question is, can modern science recreate technology like Pushpak Viman? Answering this question is really challenging and hard because there are so many things that is still mysterious to modern science that Pushpak Viman was able to do.

pushpak vimmaan evidence

Firstly, Mythology depicts Pushpak Viman decorated with gold and precious stones. But it is hard to understand that it is possible to decorate with metals that are good conductors of heat, like gold or silver and also with these metals or luxurious stones it would be very hard to make aircraft light weighted and durable because the material used in Pushpak Viman is not known to us.

And also, Tales of Hindu Mythology also state that Pushpak Viman could be operated from brain waves or through mind. It is fascinating how this kind of navigation system would have created and more importantly, is it possible to make something that can be operated through brain? If we can’t even believe that vehicle can be instructed through brain, then can we develop something like Pushpak Viman?

Maybe in the near future, technology like Pushpak Viman can be developed. As we know, Elon Musk’s Neuralink is working on technologies by which humans can operate electronic devices directly through their brains. So ultimately, we can only say that creating Pushpak Viman in the era of modern science is hard and also challenging but humans can do whatever they want to be so may be possible for this type of vimaans.


There is no textual evidence that confirms technology, science or even the existence of Pushpak Viman or any other kind of Flying Chariot. Some people believe that this is only an imagination to decorate stories with entertainment, but on the other hand, there are several texts that contain descriptions of these Flying object from ancient India. There are very high chances that, ancient technologies were much more advanced, which are still mysteries for modern science.

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