Scientific Reasons for Indian Myths

5 Myths and Scientific Reasons for Indian Myths

Today we will discuss the top 5 myths and scientific reasons for Indian myths. There are numerous Indian myth stories, and each of them seems fascinating. Sometimes these myths seem illogical too. Let’s see how science defines these Indian myths.


India is not only connected with numerous religions, cultures, and languages but also with numerous myths and legends that sometimes seem unreal, fascinating, and illogical. Even most native people don’t know why they believe in these myths and beliefs. Also, sometimes these Indian myths seem unreasonable, but today we will try to define these myths.

Scientific Reasons for Indian Myths

Crow Considered In Auspicious

In Western culture, the crow has been considered a sign of bad luck or bad Omens. But in Indian culture, this myth of bad luck and crows is completely opposite. In Indian culture, crows are considered a symbol of good luck and prosperity. Even according to a ritual, people feed crows on particular days of the year, as they consider crows to be symbols of their ancestors.

Scientific Explanation

But if we define this Indian myth of the auspicious arow with the help of scientific study and logic, then we can say that ancient people and cultures defined the crow as a positive symbol because of their nature. According to a study, it has been stated that crows are intelligent birds that help clean the environment. It can be possible because of the role of crows; old people included the crows as a as a sign of good luck.

Echoes in the Himalayas and the Legend of Yudhisthira

Another myth on the list of Indian myths is Echoes in the Himalayas and the Legend of Yudhisthira. According to the Mahabharata, Yudhisthira, the eldest brother of Pandava, was known for his righteousness, due to which he received a place in heaven. But according to one story and myth, in the peaks of the Himalayas, the echoes that we hear are actually Yudhisthira’s voice repeating his righteous deeds.

Scientific Explanation

This myth is completely illogical and unreasonable. According to science and studies, echoes are natural phenomena as a result of sound waves that reflect off surfaces. This myth may have been created because almost every peak and valley in the Himalayas creates strong echoes.

Woman wearing anklets and bangles
Woman wearing anklets and bangles

Wearing Bangles and Anklets by Women

The next Indian myth is that women wear bangles and anklets. According to tradition and culture, almost every woman wears bangles and anklets made of various metals like gold, silver, etc. People believe that these ornaments signify a healthy and wealthy family. And also, if women wear these ornaments, this will attract wealth and good luck for their families.

Read Also: Why Indian Woman wear Anklets, is there any scientific reason?

Scientific Explanation

But if we look from a scientific point of view, this tradition of bangles and anklets brings good health for women. Metals like silver, gold, brass, and copper are good for blood circulation and joints. Also, wearing anklets helps with hormonal imbalance, blood pressure, and many other health issues. There is a general saying that health is wealth; it may be possible that due to these good properties, people consider them signs of wealth.

Fear of Black Cats Crossing Your Path

In Indian culture, black casts are considered a sign of bad luck and misfortune. Even according to the myth, if a black cat crosses your path, people consider this a sign of misfortune, and normally they change their path or postpone the work. It is a very general myth, and almost every third person believes in it. In many other cultures, cats are considered good luck and important, like in ancient Egypt.

Black Cat crossing path
Black Cat crossing path

Read Also: Why in Ancient Egypt Cats were Important?

Scientific Explanation

But according to science, black cats are the same as others. The association of cat color with bad omens is completely unreasonable. But it can be possible that the black color signifies darkness, due to which black cats are connected with bad luck, but from this statement, one question arises: why are only black cats bad? Why not black dogs?

Curing Diseases with Astrology

The next major and impractical Indian myth is that with the help of astrology, disease can be cured. According to this myth, people consult with priests or astronomers to identify the planetary positions and their effects on health. Even they perform some measures to cure disease instead of consulting doctors.

Scientific Explanation

But on the other hand, science completely denies the connection between disease and planetary position or birth charts. Modern medicine depends on scientific evidence and diagnostics. Even in view of science, there is no scientific basis to relate planetary position to illness.

Astrology a source of curing diseases
Astrology a source of curing diseases


Every country has a different culture and tradition, and these traditions are made of beliefs and myths. So, in short, all these myths and legends are part of tradition, whether they are logical or not. But the main thing is that these beliefs or myths always come with fascination and are a sign of the legacy that our ancestors have gifted us. 

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