Daily Dose of Aspirin Can Be Problematic For Old Peoples

There are so many people who use aspirin regularly for their heart health without any recommendation or prescription. 

Actually, aspirin thins the blood and helps prevent heart problems or blood clots that can lead to heart attacks and strokes. 

On the other hand, there are some negative effects that can lead to major problems, like aspirin, can thins the blood too much and can lead to excessive bleeding, especially for older adults. 

According to a new study, regular use of aspirin can lead to uninvited risks that may outweigh the benefits, mostly in adults over 60. 

Despite the new guidelines, many people continue to take aspirin, often without a doctor's advice. 

Doctors always advise that aspirin may be helpful for those who have already had heart attacks or strokes. But excessive use without advice can be more risky. 

They always advise people to make lifestyle changes like a balanced diet, exercise, BP or cholesterol management, and regular health checkups, to reduce risk .

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