Discovery Of New Dinosaur Highlights The Life Before Humans

Now a days, dinosaurs are part of stories and fascination. But the fossils of these vanished dinosaurs always boast their destiny. 

In Lake Kariba, Zimbabwe, fossils shed light on another example of the evolution of dinosaurs. 

In 2018, while exploring Kariba Lake, paleontologist Jonah Choiniere found new and unique fossils of dinosaurs from around 210 million years ago. 

These fossils belong to the ancestors of a sauropod dinosaur named Musankwa sanyatiensis. Their discovery helps in understanding sauropod evolution. 

Sauropods were one of the largest herbivore land animals with long necks and legs who ruled over earth 210 million years ago. 

According to fossils found, Musankwa used to walk on two legs; on the other hand, sauropods were four-legged dinosaurs. 

Also, Musankwa was smaller in size than sauropods like Brachiosaurus, roughly horse-sized. Sauropods were around 34 tons. 

The stories of dinosaurs and their evolution or extinction still hold secrets. But these kinds of discoveries help a lot in understanding them. 

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