Fishes Also Use Punishment As The Key Of Discipline 

In Human communities, punishing kids is the point of argument,  experts are still exploring this method of discipline's effects on kids.

But surprisingly, new research shows that Neolamprologus savoryi is a kind of fish who uses punishment to teach their babies to help out.

These type of learning is very common in more clever animals, but it is very unrealistic and astonishing in fishes.

This fish community and families together look after their babies safety, and the babies help out the parents like humans.

Experts observed, these fishes and found that grown up fish and the helper fish, which are their own babies.

Grown up fishes, bites or nudge if the baby fishes don't help them. But babies works hard and don't seem bothered.

This community of fish have proved that punishing is not common in humans, but also a smart techniques to keep their family strong.

This research help us to know that, other species like these fishes, are more intelligent than we thought.  

Daily Dose of Aspirin Can Be Problematic For Old Peoples 
