How Weightlifting Can Be Beneficial For Our Old Age?

We are all very aware of the power of exercise and healthy eating habits. Now, let's see what new research suggests about weightlifting.  

According to a new study, intense workout sessions can help us stay strong and active even in old age. 

Strong leg muscles are very important for daily activities and can also help prevent falling in old age. 

Experts conducted a study and divided the sample into three groups: high-intensity weight training, moderate-intensity weight training, and a control group with no changes. 

After observation, they came to the conclusion that the high-intensity weight-training group was much more efficient than other groups. 

When we get older, we naturally lose muscle mass and function. Strong muscle training can help people live longer and healthier with fewer falls and injuries. 

According to researchers, weight training can improve or increase muscle mass and function, resulting in better strength. 

Even some exercise or physical movement is better than doing nothing. Take the doctor's advice and start your journey toward a healthy retirement life. 

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