Myths and Facts related to Owls

Owls are one of the most fascinating and incredible birds, due there appearance there are several myths related to them. For example,


Fact: Owls have 14 neck vertebrae, whereas humans have only 7. So in fact, owls turn their heads only 270 degrees, not 360 degrees.

1. Owls turn their heads 360°.


Fact: Owls have sharp vision and hearing, which help them hunt at night. But they can't see completely in the darkness.

2. Owls can see through darkness.


Fact: Usually they are protective towards their eggs. The myth can be true if they are infertile or if they are sick or dead.

3. Owls eat their own eggs.


Fact: Owls are the same as other birds in terms of intelligence; may be a myth evolved due to their large eyes and solemn demeanor.

4. Owls are wise creatures.


Fact: Owls are a noisy bird. They have different styles of communication, such as hooting, screeching, and whistling.

5. Owls are silent.

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