New Drug Offers Relief for Millions with Sleep Apnea

There are millions of people who are struggling with sleep apnea, but new research has solved the issue. A diabetes drug has the potential to be an effective solution for sleep apnea. 

Sleep apnea is actually a serious condition in which people's breathing stops again and again while sleeping for a short period of time. 

According to new research, there are around 1 billion peoples in the world who are suffering from sleep apnea. 

Experts have tested a drug called tirzepatide, which is basically used for diabetes, to check whether it will help with sleep apnea or not. 

As a result, experts found that the drug significantly decreased the number of times people stopped breathing while sleeping. 

Not only this, the drug also decreased risk factors for heart disease and helped some people reduce weight; both of these things are good for sleep apnea. 

Currently, people use CPAP machines to keep their airways open at night, which is quite uncomfortable to use. 

Experts say that drugs can be a good option but may work best when used combined with CPAP therapy, not as a replacement. 

In short, research can be a major breakthrough and ray of hope for those who are severely struggling with sleep apnea.  

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