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Floral Pattern

What was the Metal of Perseus Divine Sword?

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Greek Courageous hero, The Perseus, is famous for his victory over Medusa, the Gorgan who had ability to turn human into stone by her gaze.

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Perseus killed Medusa, by his sword, which was made of hardest metal that indestructible and couldn't be melt, and also had the power to cut stone.

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Sword was given by Hermes to kill Medusa and it was made of Adamant which was the hardest metal which was unable to damage and demolish.

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Now the question that comes first is, what was adamant? How can metallic sword cut through stone? Does adamant still exist?

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There are several speculation about the science and technology that was used in making sword for Perseus.

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According to science, sword would be made up of Carbon nanotubes. On the contrary, Carbon nanotubes are in its early stage.

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Can modern science create Perseus's sword once again? yes it can be recreate but...  

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