Adolf Hitler Impact

What happened if Hitler come back in today’s era? Adolf Hitler Impact on society in 2023-24

What happened if Hitler come back? What would Adolf Hitler impact on the current world if he had not died? The question is hypothetical but noteworthy: how would his existence in the current world impact Germany’s position?

Hitler giving speech
Adolf Hitler giving speech to his followers

Brief Background on Adolf Hitler

Adolf Hitler, the Austrian-born authoritarian of Nazi Germany in 1933, He was born in 1889; according to the sources, he used to have an interest in mythology, due to which he wanted to be a priest, but during the First World War he had to join the German army. After Germany lost the battle of the first world war, Hitler left the army and started NAZI. After that, Hitler became famous for his region of terror and fire during the Second World War, which resulted in the deaths of millions of people.

Possible Adolf Hitler Impact on Modern era

In 1933, Hitler became the chancellor and dictator of Germany and finally wrote the history of death and destructiveness. 1945 was the end of Hitler, when he committed suicide with his wife. What would have happened if Hitler had never committed suicide? What would have been the situation of Germany and the world in his presence? In this article, we will try to speculate on the possible impact of Hitler on the modern world if he were alive.

What happened if Hitler come back
Hitler with his officers

Resurgence of Nationalism and Authoritarianism

Hitler could have really brought a huge change in modern society. He was known for his ideology and his one-sided decisions. In his presence, he would have established a great authoritarian party, whose basic agenda could have been to create their own regime where they can do whatever they wanted, and he could also have influenced the ideology of not believing foreigners and being against democracy even more. These steps by Hitler would definitely result in a high rate of crimes and discrimination in the general public, and the world would have lost its idea of freedom and basic rights.

Revisionism of Historical Narratives

Hitler’s presence in the modern world could have had a deep influence on history. If he were alive, he could have washed up all his bad deeds that he did during his regime and also would have whitewashed his own character into a positive one. This step of his could result in people forgetting his destructive past during the Holocaust and increasing his followers across the world. His presence in the current era would have definitely raised the possibility of repeating the history of millions of deaths and a sense of fear in modern people.

Implications on Human Rights and Democracy

According to his past deeds and reports of history, it is very clear that he was very much against some communities’ rights and that he would be discriminated against them. He also quietly washed away all rights of his less liked communities. His presence in the current time could have increased the sense of discrimination against human rights and freedom of his less liked people or community. Even he could have created a legal system according to his perception, leaving fairness behind. These steps in his less liked community’s could raise the fear of life,  get unfair treatment, and snatch their basic rights, as he did with Jews, Roma, and other communities.

Along with politics, his presence could definitely be a threat to technology and advancement; he could have used technology for various purposes. Let’s see how his existence can impact the technology of the modern world.

Modern Technology
Different Modern Technologies

Propaganda and Media Influence

In this era of modernization and globalization, people of all generations are connected with each other across the world through the internet and social media platforms. He could have used massive social media platforms like Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, etc. to spread his ideology across the world to different ages of people. Even he could influence the media according to his will, like after taking wrong steps, we could also influence the people by using media depicting his deeds as the right step. He could have stop or ban all the negative posts regarding him, etc.

Weaponization of Technology

If he were alive, he could have used all the highly active and advanced technologies for surveillance and cyberwarfare tactics to establish a military regime so that nobody would be able to conspire against him. He could have influenced researchers to develop weaponry and surveillance systems so that he could keep an eye on his enemies, like Britishers, and could have helped advisers and allies to spread their regime. With all these destructive elements, he could have led the race to arms holdings and warfare.

He could have used cyber security to find out who was conspiring against him and could have demolished the privacy of other countries. By launching cyberattacks, he could steal important data and impact other mechanisms like trade, economies, etc.

Exploitation of AI and Surveillance State

He could have used highly influential and active artificial intelligence to develop a surveillance system so that he could limit people according to his will. And he could have used these technologies to limit the population expansion of those he hated. By these steps could also manipulate the general public’s personal sentiments, spread wrong information regarding his enemies, and sway public support in his favor. This could raise the question of democracy.

During his time, he had a very crucial impact on economic conditions, and he used very aggressive foreign policies. In the same way, he could have a great influence on social dynamics. For example,

Hitler protestors
Image of protesting against Hitler

Xenophobia, Racism, and Anti-Semitism

After the loss of the first world war, a dedication toward his country was rooted deep inside Hitler, during which he was against foreigners and had very aggressive foreign policy. In his presence, he could influence xenophobia,  put limits on those who are against him, and increase discrimination against those whom Hitler doesn’t like. These steps could lead to limitations on globalization and a multicultural society with highly restricted border controls. These things would restrict general movements of people, increase discrimination, or violate human rights.

Economic Policies and Global Trade

In his presence, he would not trade or do business with his enemy countries; even after getting powerful, he could try to restrict or put a ban on trade with those countries. As he was xenophobic, he could spread the ideology and also not support globalization. These restrictions on trade and economic policies would lead to regional and economic disparity among different nations and communities.

Environmental Policies and Climate Change

After restricting foreign trade, he would disregard environmental policies and the problem of climate change. Without thinking twice, he could use nuclear weapons and worsen environmental problems by not agreeing to global cooperation.

Social Gathering with Hitler
Social Gathering with Hitler

International Diplomacy and Alliances

If he were alive, he could have created a group or friendship with like-minded people and countries. Even his presence could restrict other countries from getting allied with him, and other countries and leaders could also avoid things that could offend him. But from another point of view, these actions of Hitler could lead other countries to get allied so that they could isolate his regime and decrease his supremacy.

Societal Movements and Activism

Even his presence could have led other countries to start societal movements and activism against him. People and groups targeted by Hitler would lead to hate in society, which could give birth to protests and violate the general public’s daily lives and peace in society.

Cultural Expression and Counter-Narratives

We are living in the age of globalization, where we generally get to learn more things from across the world. And also, culture, art, and literature have a great impact on globalization. If Hitler had not died, he could have tried to influence his religion and culture across the world. He could have demolished all the structure of a diversified society, which could have a negative impact on different art forms, literature, languages, culture, education, etc.

Adolf Hitler Impact

Adolf Hitler Impact on Past

After getting the position of chancellor and dictator, he demolished all the rights of those communities, which he hated the most, and also used very aggressive foreign policies and put several restrictive laws on the general public of society. He was the reason for World War II and waves of millions of deaths.

Hitler Impact on Present

If he had not committed suicide, he could have spread his ideology and culture across the world. He could have demolished basic rights, culture, art, and the education system according to his will. He could have kept his eyes on enemies and stolen their data through the use of AI and technology. His destructive behavior could have led to a fire of protest or war in several regions, leaving the peace of society behind.

Let us know your reviews in comment about our “What happened if Hitler come back” Article.

Could Hitler have risen to power in the Modern era?

Question is quite challenging, definitely he could have tried to influence modern era through his ideology and speeches. But he would have risen his power or not, it depends on various factors, for example, It is possible that a new leader could have enter the competition to defeat him.

What lessons can we learn from Hitler’s survival in today’s era?

Hitler kind personality can a great a threat to modern era, his presence could restrict globalization and modernization.

How might the international community respond to a revived Hitler?

Definitely Hitler comeback can raise the fear of the Holocaust and waves of million deaths.

What are the potential long-term consequences of Hitler’s survival

Despoliation of Globalization, development, advancement, economic instability, economic and regional inequality, etc.

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