what if government impose beauty tax

What if government impose Beauty Tax in 2030

Beauty Tax: Why we pay taxes on beauty? What if, in 2023 this would be a common question in the world? Have you ever imagined that the government would start to impose taxes on beauty or according to how beautiful you look?


Introduction to Beauty on Tax

We all know about the general tax system, according to which we all have to pay taxes and duties according to our consumption or income. The current tax structure is totally monetary-based. This is a hypothetical situation in which the government started to impose taxes on subjective things instead of realistic things and has introduced a new tax, which is a tax on beauty.

A beauty tax will be imposed according to physics and how we look in general. According to this new tax, the government will set some standards, conduct a survey, and give points to everyone.

According to points or rates, everyone has to pay tax, and tax avoidance and tax evasion will be punishable. Rules will be applied to the public equally.

tax on beauty
What if government impose Beauty Tax in 2030 13

Introduction to current Social and Economic Structure

Tax structure has its roots in ancient times, and our society or economy has structured itself according to this structure. Every nation and economy has its own tax frame and kind of tax based on societal structure. Basically, the government imposes two kind of taxes: indirect and direct. Under these two heads, there are different kinds of several taxes by which the government generates revenue. If we talk about society, currently we do live in a society where people give importance to physical appearance, color of skin, dressing sense, and how we look. Even the bitter truth is that people face many problems if they don’t look good in general.

Purpose of this Blog

In this blog, we will try to highlight why we pay tax on realistic things like entertainment, income, etc. Why doesn’t the government apply taxes to subjective things like beauty, behavior, etc.? This full blog is based on imagination; we are not trying to criticize or offend any kind of social behavior or thing. We will just try to imagine how human society or structure will be if the government starts to charge a tax on beauty.

Imposition of Beauty Tax

Announcement of Beauty Tax 2030

Suppose a new government came into charge and an economic reform announced that from 2030, the public would have to pay for beauty. This tax is generated to reduce the problems of inequality, poverty, unemployment, environmental problems, and other general problems that a nation faces. This tax will be imposed according to the amount that people will be allotted.

For example, there will be some standards, and the government will conduct a survey like it does for a census, and after the survey, everyone will get some points. If A, B, and C got points like 1, 5, and 4, then slab would be like 1-2 tax would be nil, and 2-3 tax would be 2.5%. 3–4 tax will be 5%, and the last 4-5 tax will be 10% of their income.

Public announcement of beauty tax

Why Tax only on Beauty?

The first question that the government has to answer is: Why do we pay tax only on beauty? If the government wants to impose a tax on subjective things, then why not on behavior?

Girl transparent image from corner

A tax on behavior can lead to a peaceful society. And the government answered that behavior can be hidden from others, but nobody would be able to hide their beauty. Avoidance or evasion of beauty tax can be detected easily. We have to investigate and take several steps to find the culprit of income tax and behavior tax evasion or avoidance.

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Impacts of Beauty Tax

Now the question is how this will impact the human structure and environment in the world. To be very clear, there would be both a positive and negative impact on human structure. Let’s see some important implications.


Beauty plays a very crucial part in our daily lives. Everyone,  before getting out of bed, takes time to improve their look so that nobody will criticize them. Even some people face several negative comments due to their skin color, dressing sense, or physical appearance. Even before getting a job or getting married, they face many problems because they don’t look attractive. If the government imposes a tax on beauty, this kind of criticism, peer pressure, depression, and anxiety will decrease. This could encourage people to look simple and pure. Then nobody has to think twice before getting out of their night suit. quite comfortable, right?


But the people who are attractive and very rich would face more problems because, in such cases, they would have to pay more tax. For example, if a man is handsome and paying tax on his income or beauty both and is now married to a beautiful lady, the couple has to pay tax three or four times. This would lead to more economic or financial problems.


GDP increasing

People who are unemployed will be encouraged to work as they have to pay tax on their beauty. Voluntary unemployment will be reduced, and these unemployed people will add extra numbers to the GDP. Even the competition in careers will be reduced and job opportunities will increase, as people will think that if we get a high-income job, then we have to pay more tax.

Even people who apply multiple tactics to avoid tax payments will not be able to do that. Even people used to change their accounts so they can avoid tax, but they would not be able to change their physical looks and appearance. The problem of black money will be resolved to some extent, but not fully. This will increase the annual revenue of the government. And also, government authorities easily find tax avoiders.


This will lead to more corruption in society. Inequality will be at its peak. This can also increase poverty, as people who are very good-looking but not financially sound will suffer more from these steps of government and it will be wrong with those who are paying tax wisely . Even criminal activities will increase.

Economy going down


People will start to avoid extravagancy. Generally, people will start to avoid high-priced or luxurious items, cosmetics, clothes, etc. People will try to maintain their inner beauty or natural beauty, for which they will prefer simple and natural items. The market demand for sustainable and natural products will increase. This will also reduce inflation, etc.

Beauty store


The market for branded cosmetics will be dumped. Even branded producers will face more problems. These producers have to change their business management, workings, and so many other things. Markets play a crucial role in economic structure; the imposition of a beauty tax would instantly decrease market demands and supply, along with the economy.


As making process of cosmetics and beauty products disrupts the ecosystem an environmental problems. In production of these products quantity of plastic and chemical are used. So after imposition of beauty tax people will switch to natural beauty products, this will help in improving environmental problems and climate change. Producer will encourage the conservation of trees, herbs.

Environmental change


Excessive use of natural products can also lead to extra abstraction of natural resources. This process will lead to unavailability of natural resources for the future generation. Now, future generation will not only face kind of financial problem but also natural problems too.


This tax will help government in many ways. For example, reduction in unemployment, increase in GDP, improvement of environmental problems. May be criminal activities will also be reduced. Even government authority would easily detect those who are avoiding tax. Revenue from tax of government will be increase.


But in this case, people would try to hide their income; those who are working positively and paying tax will leave their job. Corruption will increase. The government has to work on a system, like for this new tax, the government has to set up a new department for the ethical working or collection of beauty tax. For these setups, the government has to spend more.

politician giving a speech
Politician giving a speech

Long term Changes

Leave all the impacts behind, whether they are positive or negative. Now let’s see how this will impact human psychology. In the long run, this tax will only have a worse result, as it will disrupt human ethics and perceptions of humanity until 2035.

For example, As a government rule, people will accept the change. Those who are paying high tax rates due to their beauty will take these beauty points as the standards or ranking, and even for some time, they will try to enhance their beauty as they are getting ranked.

But after some time, when they will be charged more tax after enhancing their beauty, they will face financial problems and a lack of investments. Now, people who used to buy beauty products will look for ugly products. As I said earlier, the market for branded products will be duped for some time, and in the long run, new, ugly, and not so qualified products will be launched. Even people will start to use unhealthy or expired products so that they can get rashes on their skin.

Old and Tired

And even if this were said earlier, unemployment and poverty will remain the same. Before the beauty tax, not-so-beautiful people used to get rejected for marriage and be criticized for being overweight, having a dark complexion, having a short height, etc. Now people will do the same with those who are paying a high tax because of their beauty, and ultimately, beauty standards will be changed.

fast food

But the problem will be the same: Before people used to face racism due to their dark complexion, now people with white complexions will face it. Before, overweight people used to face the unavailability of their size clothes; now, fit people will face the same. Even in the long term, people will start to avoid healthy food and switch to unhealthy food, which will increase many problems like obesity, heart problems, and many other health issues.

Environmental problems will be the same, unemployment will be the same, and poverty will be the same. Racist society will be the same, and ultimately, everything will be unchanged with new or different perceptions.


Overall Impact on Human Structure

A tax on beauty will increase the problems in society and the economic structure. There may be some positive impacts of this tax, but there are also more negative impacts. Overall, it will disrupt and demolish all human rights, and more of that will increase inequality in terms of both financial and appearance. This tax on beauty will give birth to the thought that physical appearance is more important than education, morals, ethics, etc.

That is why Government Don’t Take Such Steps

Beauty is subjective in nature, and it would be hard to measure beauty as it does not last for a long time. If a beauty tax is levied, it will raise the question of whether beauty is truly important. Actually, beauty does not mean something that we like to see, experience, or feel. The definition of beauty varies from person to person. Everyone is beautiful with their natural or god-gifted body and skin. The government always treats people equally; there is no one who can measure the beauty of anyone, and nobody has the right to rank someone according to beauty.

Happy and confident women
What if government impose Beauty Tax in 2030 14


Is there any government in the world that charges beauty tax?

No, there is no country that charges beauty tax. As beauty is subjective in nature and hard to calculate.

Is it possible in future that governmet starts charging beauty tax?

This is an imagination and hypothetical situation. even beauty tax can be source of disruption in future.

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