what is importance of science and technology in our life

What is importance of science and technology in our life? What if it disappear (Part-1)

We all know, what is importance of science and technology in our life, but think for once: what if, over a night, all the theories and technology are erased when we wake up tomorrow?


What is importance of science and technology in our life?

We are all very much aware of the power of science and technology, and we also have a clear idea of how the study of science and technology has affected human life. With our good knowledge of physics, chemistry, biology, and mathematics, we can clearly understand the workings of the world and nature. In our previous article, we discussed how humans evolved and started to explore or innovate new things. Even the advancement and development of science are still ongoing.

Modern science is not only exploring the depths of the Earth but has also reached space. There are several places and species that exist, such as the Bermuda Triangle, Mariana Trench, etc., that are unknown and topics of mystery for modern science, but still, science has some explanations and theories to define the possibilities. The developed society and technology that we use in our daily lives are gifts of science, without which nobody doesn’t want to spend time.

What if Science and Technology Disappear

It always seems very fascinating or wondering, how people would have survived when science and technology were not as smart as they are today. We always imagine how people would have survived nights without electricity, how people would have communicated when telephones were not there, how people would reacted to the evolution of refrigerators and other home appliances. But what will happen if all the theories of science and technology disappear or erased overnight, leaving the situation as it is? In this article, we will imagine that tomorrow, when we wake up in the morning, there will be no science or technology, but the situation in every country is still the same. Now let’s try to imagine the future.

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Future Without Science

Current Condition of Society

There are several things that are happening across the world; some of these things are signs of big problems, and some are positive things.



Currently, almost every country is facing climatic problems; according to data, in 2023, more than 45 countries has faced wildfires. In 2023, approximately 80 countries were hit by earthquakes, and this data includes all those countries where both mild and extreme earthquake events occurred. In the same way, numerous countries faced heavy rainfalls, due to which a wide range of crops and cultivation were washed away. Many nations witnessed several deaths of marine and wild animals, like around 120 Amazonian dolphins found to be dead, and according to experts’ high temperatures, lack of oxygen is a possible reason for their deaths.

Social Conditions

Currently, out of the finest economies in the world, numerous are facing war-like conditions, such as Russia and Ukraine. For the last 2 years, these 2 countries have been involved in active armed conflicts. Countries like Israel-Palestine, India-Pakistan, and many others are involved in regional tensions. These conditions of conflict in well-developed countries create the fear of nuclear war, which will potentially worsen the climate conditions even more and destroy human rights and the peace of society. There are several nations like China, which is highly active in trade activities and uses technology extensively, ultimately being said to be an advanced country.

New research

Numerous countries have proved and placed themselves in the list of remarkable history with their technological achievements as of 2023. For example, Japan developed an AI model for climate modeling, researchers at Kyoto University successfully transplanted genetically modified pig heart cells into humans, the US launched the Artemis 1 mission, In Europe University of Cambridge developed a new CRISPR-Cas9 for the treatment of treatment cystic fibrosis and so on.

Expected Impact

So, this is the major condition of society currently. Now for 5 minutes imagine all the knowledge of technology and science erased, but these conditions of society are as it is.

Hypothetical Morning after waking up

Without science and technology, the first morning will be a break after a long sleep. Many people will feel some kind of weirdness or emptiness. After waking up, they would first be blank for several minutes about what they were about to do. Their morning will be more confusing when they realize that in their house there are so many things about which they don’t even know.

For example, Riya is thinking that in her kitchen, what is this huge box for (the refrigerator)? After exploring that huge box, she will think of it as a magic box that provides food or fruits. Then, as she is hungry, she will close her eyes and make a wish for breakfast, but she will not get anything, and she will be astonished by the coolness of magic box.

The second thing she will be confused about is her television after realizing that she doesn’t have any reason to place a black display instead of painting or something in her drawing room. Like this in the house, almost everything will confuse her. Ultimately, after all the things that happened to her, she will discuss them with her friend, and in return, her friend will also share the same experience.

And ultimately, at last, all over society will come to the conclusion that all these things are placed by God or may be extraterrestrial powers. Isn’t it fascinating? Things without which people never expected their lives are now part of weird things or may lead to a sense of fear.

Loss of knowledge

This situation definitely led to the early life of humans, and nobody would know the purpose of everything. Loss of knowledge will disrupt everything, like the economy, globalization, trade, and many more. All the knowledge of past that philosophers and ancient people have gifted us will all be erased.

Empty Infrastructure

Cycle stands, Bus stands, airports with aircrafts, computer labs, electronics shops, and several infrastructure will be lose their identity and will become part of question why these structure are there. Even in the long run all these infrastructure will be collapse due to lack of knowledge and maintenance.

Several deaths

This situation will suddenly cause several deaths in hospitals. Due to the absence of medical and scientific knowledge, all normal and casual diseases will become more complex and deadly. Even in the long run, the life expectancy rate will be reduced due to the unavailability of fresh water, polluted air, etc.


But if you look from an environmental point of view, the absence of technology will be great and positive for the healing environment. The radiation of these advanced technologies is affecting biodiversity and ecosystems very adversely, as several species of birds and other wild animals have disappeared. Even when we were small, we used to see them very often, but now butterflies are getting rare, and flowers and other plants are affected by this radiation. So, the absence of technology may heal the environment as soon as possible. We have already seen an example of nature’s healing power during the lockdown.


Our agriculture purely depends on science and technology, so this situation will also lead to food unavailability, which can result in worldwide starvation due to an increase in crime rates, etc. Currently, Russia, Ukraine, and some other countries involved in some kind of conflict will immediately enter a stable form as people will lose knowledge about weapons and armaments. All the nuclear weapons, upcoming innovation, and research investment will all go in vain.

Majorly Affected Countries

Several countries that are highly based on scientific technology. Not only in daily lives, these countries are also involved in the export of technologically manufactured products.

  • U.S. is one of the most advanced countries, and 90% of total exports are manufactured products, including machinery items, aircraft, chemicals, pharmaceuticals, medical products, etc., while the remaining 10% includes all services such as IT services, banking services, etc.
  • China: 95% of total exports are of manufactured items, and the country has a mastery of R&D innovation. It exports items related to machines, cloths, sports, textiles, etc., and the rest of the 5% includes all other services like banking, IT, and others.
  • Japanese: 85% of exports include electronics, machinery, vehicles, chemicals, pharmaceutical items, equipment’s, ships, etc., and the other 15% are rest items, agricultural products, etc.
  • South Korea: 80% of exports include manufacturing products like others, and the rest, 20% are service-based.

These are only four countries that are highly advanced; other than these countries, like Israel, which is famous for its highly advanced defense technology system.

After the disappearance of science and technology, it can be predicted that these countries may suffer more, as these countries are based a lot on technology. Not only this, but these countries consist of several great researchers and scientists. In such a situation, these highly advanced countries will lose their power and mastery. Economic and social mechanisms will be disrupted fully.


From the above, it is clear that knowledge of science and technology is very important for the modern era. Even though human lives in the modern era are totally based on science, nobody can think of a single minute without science and technology. Without technologies and science, humans will lose major abilities like literacy, medical knowledge, etc., but the environment will be able to heal itself. But it is clear that life will definitely become a hoax.

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