A row of Moai statues on Easter Island against a pink and purple sky, What is the oldest joke in the world

What is the oldest joke in the world? Mysterious Monuments!

Do you know, what is the oldest joke in the world? Suppose for once that future generations would get to know that the unknown and mysterious monuments of the world are the oldest and most ancient jokes.


Mysterious Monuments without History

Since humans have senses, they try to unravel the mysteries. But there are several monuments whose history is a point of mystery that everyone wants to solve. For example, Stonehenge of England, Moai Statues of Easter Island, Nazca Lines of Peru, and many more These are those monuments about them; there is no clue that has been discovered that can define the purpose of their erection and placement. Several experts and their teams have tried to find an accurate answer and have even given numerous speculative theories. but still, an accurate answer has been disclosed.

Ancient Sculptures
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What is the oldest joke in the world?

Now the question is: would scientists or scientists be able to disclose the mysteries of these monuments? The question is definitely futuristic and challenging to answer, as nobody knows the future. But what if we try to view it from a new and imaginative perspective?

In our previous article, we discussed a hypothesis depicting what the impact of Hitler on modern people would be if he had not committed suicide. In this article, we imagine what would happen if, in the future, we humans got to know that these mysterious monuments were just playful acts or jokes of the oldest peoples? Let’s see what we have to discuss.

Monuments with Unknown past and Strange structures

Stonehenge of England

A photo of a stonehenge-like monument with a large stone pillar in the center and smaller stones arranged around it.

Stonehenge is placed in England for several years, holding questions and mysteries. According to experts, the monument dates from 3100 BC to 1600 BC. The monument is basically a circle made of standing stones, each weighing around 25 tons. The precise purpose of these stones is still known.

Nazca Lines of Peru

The Nazca Lines are actually a huge painting or lines made in the middle of the Nazca desert in southern Peru. These lines can be seen only from the sky and were first discovered by a pilot in 1930 while flying over the desert. According to some reports, these lines were created nearly 2000 years ago. Who created these lines and why they were erected is still a point of mystery.

Nazca lines

Credit @ Discovery UK from Youtube

Moai Statues

A photo of a statue of a human head sitting on top of a grassy hill.

Moai statues are basically huge head-like structures, speculatively constructed between 1250 and 1500 by the Rapa Nui community in eastern Polynesia. These head-like structures are placed in an organized line, due to which experts suggest that these structures were placed for some purpose, but the purpose is not known.

Stone Sphere of Costa Rica

The stone sphere is basically a spherical structure made of stone. These stones can be found in various places in Costa Rica, with different sizes ranging from a few centimeters in diameter to 2 meters in diameter. These stones are the symbol of Diquis culture and were made between 300 and 1400 AD. The reason and builder of these stones are still unnamed.

A photo of a large stone sphere sitting on top of a lush green field.

Gobekli Tepe

A photo of the Gobekli Tepe archaeological site in Turkey.

The Gobekli Tepe is currently present in Turkey and consists of two huge T-shaped stone structures standing between the huge circle. These structures were created around 10000 BC. But the name of the builder and purpose of the building are mysteries.

Possibility of Planned and Unplanned Joke

All these monuments have so many similarities, such as unknown builders, purpose of building, and most importantly, heavy stones and weird structures. There are several speculations over the purpose of building these kinds of buildings, but what if these buildings were unplanned?

Put The Scientific Theory Behind

Put the theory of the Grandfather Paradox and the Chronological Protection Conjecture behind and suppose for a few minutes that a future generation developed a time travel machine or may be other technology that can help to go back in time. And a team of experts traveled to the past to find the answer to these monuments, and they found that some people were playing with these stones, which gave birth to miraculous architecture, or that something unplanned happened.

Time Machine
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Monuments may symbols of Art

As we know, during human evolution, people were creating and developing various tools and miraculous things, and the nature of creativity is a continuous process. What if, when future people traveled to the past and found that some small mountains were there at the place of Moai statues and numerous sculptor students were practicing, while doing some kind of class or competition, they created these statues, and these statues became symbols of art? The same goes for other.

May be monuments were naturally erected

Likewise, a team of experts decided to unfold the mystery of the stone sphere of Costa Rica, visited the place in different time intervals, and finally came to the conclusion that these spheres were created naturally during this long period of time. Or what if some kind of earthquake or any other calamity happened that led to the extinction of both the Diquis Dynasty and some buildings? These buildings converted into huge rocks.

What if monuments were created out of Playfulness?

On the other hand, a team of experts found out that Göbekli Tepe was created to play hide and seek; Nazca lines were also just part of play; and other monuments were part of games in ancient times. In other words, all the monuments were just created purposelessly without any reason. Or maybe there was a person who created a mysterious structure to trick someone out of playfulness.

Condition after Being tricked

In both of the above conditions, the team of experts would feel proud of their own research and technology that they were able to solve the mysteries of a million years. But in the last condition, this would lead to a sense of the oldest trick or joke that somebody did out of playfulness. There are several pieces of evidence that show ancient peoples were much more advanced and knowledgeable than current people. And after being tricked, this would prove that ancient peoples, while practicing art, games, and even cracking or playing pranks, were more powerful and impactful than modern people, and ancient people were so developed that they even used science and technology while playing.

Man is shocked
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Mysterious history of Monuments

There are several places and monuments on which experts are still working to discover the architecture, technology, and purpose of these monuments. All the mentioned stoned monuments gave birth to various speculations, like whether these monuments were some kind of sacred place, or whether they were created for speculating time through the positions of the sun and moon, and lastly, whether they were created as representations of or dedicated to certain powerful leaders. But there is no clue or evidence available that specifies the accurate purpose of these monuments.

Imagination of Joke

All the above imaginations, through which we tried to predict the future, are just hypotheses. But these imaginations of jokes and pranks are also giving rise to another question: why would someone play with such heavy stones or may be practice art on such a huge stone? But we can only say that, whatever the truth is, these monuments are really very attractive, and the source proves that ancient people used very fine technology for developing such monuments.

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