Where Does The Water Came From?

Amazing Untold Story of Earth H2O: Where Does The Water Came From?

If Earth H20 was not part of the earth in the beginning, then where does the water came from? How was the was the ocean formed? Like this, there are several unreasonable and mysterious questions that always make their way to the deep thoughts.


Introduction to Earth H2O

It is a general fact that we are all very aware that the oceans have acquired around 70% of earth. Not only this, ocean also consists of a variety of species, and out of these numerous species, only a small percentage are known to humans. Even there are numerous things that the ocean is currently hiding, like the reality of Mariana Trench and Bermuda Triangle , etc.

Purpose of the Article

In the same way, ocean is also hiding the true story of water. In reality, according to scientists, the earth evolved without water, and this raises a lot of questions about where this 70% of water came from and formed the ocean. In this article, we will explore the amazing untold story of earth H2O and also how or where does the water came from.

Earth Before and After
Amazing Untold Story of Earth H2O: Where Does The Water Came From? 6

Biggening of The Earth

Initial Days of Earth Without water

Before going deep into the journey of Earth H2O, let’s know the initial state of Earth. About 4.6 billion years after the formation, the earth never had any source of water. Initially, Earth was kind of fiery, super hot, and melty, consisting of rocks and metals, and there was also no dry land or hard ground.

Why Water Became Important for Earth

Now the question is, why has water become important for Earth? We all know that water plays an important and essential part in a living organism’s life. Not only this, but the abundance of water on Earth makes our planet unique from other celestial bodies. Other planets like Mars, Jupiter, and Saturn only show evidence of water in the past but don’t have water in the same amount as Earth does.

Where Does The Water Came From and Formed As Ocean?

Cosmic Beginning

If Earth never had any liquid source, then how was the ocean formed? According to theories and studies, in the initial days, space was a very uncertain and turbulent place with gas, dust, numerous meteors, and small celestial particles. These meteors and celestial particles have been considered important sources that delivered water in the form of ice to the earth.

Comets attracted by earth part 2
Comets attracted by earth

When these water-containing meteors collided with earth, as after formation, earth was attracting these comets towards itself. And these comets released their water onto the earth. But the fact is, this water content was in ice form, not in liquid form.

Geological Contributions

Space was not the only one who contributed to the formation of the ocean, but earth also had some internal sources that contributed to the formation of H2O. During the initial days, our planet was molten mass. As it started to cool down, volcanic activity also started. These volcanoes, with the help of the outgassing process, started to release trapped gases on earth, and water vapors were also part of these gases. These water vapors took the form of water-laden clouds.

Volcanic Eruption
Volcanic Eruption

Formation of the Oceans

This was the important stage where ocean formation took place. After the evaporation process, the planet’s surface was constantly changing shape, creating several basins and depressions. With the help of rainwater, these basins and low-lying areas started filling with water. And this process started to take the form of a large and huge ocean, but this formation took several or thousands of years. Here, the fun fact is that for more than thousands of years, rain continued to fall on earth, which led to the formation of the ocean.

Role of Plate Tectonics

You must be wondering how tectonic plates would have helped with ocean formation. But it is a fact that another factor that contributed to the formation of the ocean was tectonic plates. The movement of tectonic plates not only gives shape to the earth but also the size of the earth and the distribution of ocean basins. In other words, the movement of tectonic plates ensures recycling and renewal of water for constant dynamic equilibrium. Even this helped earth H2O fill basins and depressions.

Rainfall filled Ocean water
Rainfall filled Ocean water

Ongoing Mysteries and Future Discoveries

The past and complete processes of the formation of the ocean are still incomplete. Scientists or experts are continuously studying meteorites, deep-sea vents, and planetary geology. Even the European Space Agency’s Rosetta mission to comet 67P helps and gives a unique insight for understanding the formation of ancient or primitive astronomical bodies and their contribution to water formation on Earth


It is very evident that the history of the Earth H2O, or ocean, is a very mysterious and fascinating story. The starting days of the earth after the formation were very rough and tough without water. But this complete process of earth H2O formation gave the earth the the earth the finest and purest uniqueness of all the other planets. Which consist of various unique creatures with superpowers. From this explanation, we get not an exact but some approachable answer to the question, Where does the water come from and take the form of the ocean?

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